We will be hosting a weekly hangout online for musicians to share ideas, solutions and possibilities.
Join us online every Thursday from 3:00pm for a discussion of how musicians are coping with the sudden changes, what we are doing to stay productive. Each session will include a specialist guest offering valuable advice on a relevant topic.
Free and very helpful. Join at https://zoom.us/j/753459257 (Meeting ID 753 459 257 - Password: connected)
Slides (and VIDEO when available)
April 16: Tips and tricks for home recording with Harmonic Whale
April 30: Creative Victoria's Sustaining Creative Workers Initiative and Adelaide Fringe FringeView
May 7: Australia Council for the Arts' Resilience Fund and teaching groups online with Steph Payne
May 21: Celline Narinli from triple J Unearthed and Sneha Varma from Multicultural Arts Victoria VIDEO
June 4: Sophia Exiner and Jenny Candy - 1st session in a series focusing on choirs VIDEO
June 11: James Rigby and Stephen Taberner - 2nd session focusing on choirs VIDEO
June 18: Jolene Moran and Roger King on BandLab/Soundtrap as support for choir practice
June 25: Annemarie Sharry talks about keeping her choirs running
July 2: Therese Virtue, Lydia Griffiths and Nicki Johnson discuss ideas related to restarting choir practice sessions VIDEO + WOVC Return to Rehearsal Guidelines
July 9: A conversation about international collaboration VIDEO
July 16: A conversation with Elian Sellanes about sourcing remote work. VIDEO
July 23: A conversation between Adam Simmons and Agus Setiawan Basuni from WartaJazz in Indonesia about international collaboration VIDEO
July 30: A conversation with Zvi Belling about the basic home recording setup VIDEO
August 6: A conversation with Val Peovska from Manny's Musical Instruments & Pro Audio about essential equipment for high quality, clean home recordings RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT LIST + VIDEO
August 13: A conversation with Becki Whitton about vocal recording VIDEO
August 20: A conversation with Adam Casey from The True Vine Recording Studios about recording stringed instruments SLIDES VIDEO
August 27: A conversation with Niko Schauble from Pughouse Studios about recording drums and percussion VIDEO
September 3: A conversation with Tom Strode about recording winds VIDEO
September 10: A conversation with Myles Mumford about packaging recording files for postproduction VIDEO
Coordinated by The Boite as part of our "Adapt, Not Cancel" program with support from the Inner North Community Foundation