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Leave a Bequest

You may want to make a bequest to The Boîte, which we are always grateful to receive. Bequests can be specific, a percentage of the residue of your estate, or the whole of the residue of your estate. It is strongly recommended that you consult your Solicitor regarding any proposed bequest to be included in your Will. 


If you would like to proceed, below is some suggested wording for inclusion in your Will:


“After payment of all my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, Probate and Estate Duty and taxes payable in respect of my Estate, I DIRECT my Trustee/s to hold the residue of my Estate UPON TRUST as follows:


(Option 1)
To pay the sum of [insert amount in words] Dollars [$X] to THE BOÃŽTE (VIC) INCORPORATED (ABN 49 976 476 737) of Studio CG10, The Convent Building, Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford, Victoria, 3067 for its general purposes."


(Option 2)

To pay [insert amount in words] percent [X%] of my residuary Estate to THE BOÃŽTE (VIC) INCORPORATED (ABN 49 976 476 737) of Studio CG10, The Convent Building, Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford, Victoria, 3067 for its general purposes."


(Option 3)

To pay the whole of my residuary Estate to THE BOÃŽTE (VICTORIA) INCORPORATED (ABN 49 976 476 737) of Studio CG10, The Convent Building, Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford, Victoria, 3067 for its general purposes."


The Boîte is Victoria’s iconic multicultural music organisation. Founded in 1979, it supports excellent artists from diverse cultural communities, promotes cultural understanding through the dynamic presentation of unique cultural experiences, and nurtures creativity, collaboration, access to and active participation in the arts. Read more...

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T: +61 3 9417 3550



The Boite acknowledges the tribes of the Kulin Nation, the Traditional Custodians of the land upon which we reside. We pay our respects to Elders from all nations - past, present, and emerging.

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