Become a Member
Become a member
The Boîte's members network is a source of information, expertise and creativity that we draw upon when planning events. Your support helps to create meaningful events that celebrate Australia's cultural diversity.
By becoming a member you know that you will be:
Supporting an organisation that has explored and celebrated cultural diversity in Australia for 40 years.
Supporting artists from diverse cultural communities both financially and through engagement with their performances.
Encouraging people to become actively engaged with the arts, benefitting the individual, the community and the artists.
In addition, members enjoy the following benefits:
Full $70, Concession $40, Under 25s $25
Couples $80
Regional (>50km from Melbourne CBD): 50% off

– $80 –
Regional (>50km from Melbourne CBD): 50% off
– $80 –
Regional (>50km from Melbourne CBD): 50% off
50% discount entry to selected Boite events
VIP invitations to selected Boite events
Information, advice and support
Right to vote and stand for election to Boite Committee
Listing in the Artist Directory on the website (coming soon)
Free advertising for events on the Member Events section of the website and weekly eNews (2,500+ subscribers)*
Notices and interviews on 3CR/Boite Music Sans Frontiers
50% discount on display advertising for promoting the artist’s own events
Welcome post on social media channels
* Artist members can nominate 1 band whose shows they will promote. Each additional band will cost $40 (capped at $200 for unlimited bands).
– $120 –
Regional (>50km from Melbourne CBD): 50% off
– $120 –
Regional (>50km from Melbourne CBD): 50% off
1 Free ad in The Boîte's eNews
Information, advice and support
Listing in Choir Directory on website (coming soon)
Free advertising for the choir's events on the Member Events section of the website and weekly eNews (2,500+ subscribers)
Notices and interviews on 3CR/Boite Music Sans Frontieres
50% discount on display advertising for promoting the choir’s own events
Welcome post on social media channels