Multicultural music presenter, The Boite, was conceived and born at a time when refugees from the military regimes in Chile and Greece were finding a haven in Australia, a place where they could express their political views and play their music – often also political in intent.
Violetta Para and Victor Jara, Inti Illimani and Illapu in Chile were writing and playing the songs of resistence to the military takeover. They founded The Latin American New Song Movement and paid for it, some with their lives, some with years of exile. In Greece, composer Mikis Theodorakis was sent to an island to break rocks!
In Melbourne and Sydney, inspired by the arrival of Chileans and Greeks who brought their music, groups of insightful people established The Boite, to provide a performance space and an opportunity for outsiders to hear the songs and learn the history and meet the artists.
From the very first Melbourne concert, on June 1st 1979, The Boite has been a place for communication. People arrive from new places, with different languages and customs, find a welcome and recognition. Every year a tantalising range of concerts, workshops, radio programs and major projects invites in new listeners and artists.
In 2019 to celebrate 40 years, the 40th Birthday celebration takes place on Saturday June 1st. Its theme is looking back and looking forward: The concert will include artists from across the 40 years, including Chilean, Alejandro Vargas, who played at the very first concert (aged 15 years), and young musicians and singers. Alex will be performing with his daughter, Omados will play Greek music, guitarist, Rose de la Montana, and Mitch Tambo will appear alongside Lamine Sonko, Anne Norman, and newly arrived Syrian, Talal Makdesi.
Join us to celebrate The Boite's 40th Birthday...
3pm, Saturday June 1
Sacred Heart at Abbotsford Convent
Tickets $10 through trybooking.com/BCGGT