Some photos from The Boite's Fabulous 40th Fundraiser Fling
And a big thank you to all the individuals and businesses who donated goods and services for our silent auction including Woodford Folk Festival, Cygnet Folk Festival, Captain Stomp Records, The Alpaca Mark Jewellery, 3CR Radio, PBS Radio, Arriving in the Body Shiatsu, Community Music Victoria, White Sky, Voices Unbound Choir, Harmonic Whale Studios, A Voz Limpia, The Clyde Hotel, Neil Watson, Scribe Publications, Lilliana Hajncl, One Heart Yoga & Social Change, Gaetan Barallon, Luna Park, Woven Memories, Gembrook Hill Wines, Margot Sharman, Maadi Einfeld, Steve Einfeld, Philip Lim, Merren Ricketson, Helen Selby & Sandra Whitty and Saray Iluminado.