A day of singing workshops online featuring Su Hart (UK), Matt Knight (Canada) and Sue Johnson (Australia) on Sunday September 13th

Singers all over Melbourne and all over the world, are missing their regular opportunities to connect through song and friendship, in halls and churches.
The Boite has developed an online day of singing to help to fill the gap. Presenters from the UK, Canada and Melbourne will bring their expertise to offer new songs and opportunities to singers here and across the globe in the form of 3x90 minute workshops presented online.
Su Hart (UK): composer, choir leader and a world expert on the singing of the Central African Rainforest People, the Baka.
Matt Knight (Canada): contemporary folk songs from North America that nurture the soul, speaking to the rhythms of life.
Sue Johnson (Australia): groove-based songs, rhythms and chants immersing the participant in a rich layering of sound.
Sunday, September 13th 12:30pm: Sing with Matt Knight 2:30pm: Sing with Sue Johnston 4:30pm: Sing with Su Hart
Tickets through trybooking.com/BKPUI - $20 (single workshop), $50 (3-workshop pass)
Presented with support from Creative Victoria
About the presenters
Su Hart (UK) was brought up in the music of the Methodist church and the folk clubs of North East England. She has collected songs from Scotland to Scandinavia and New Zealand to Bhutan. Since 1993 she has made frequent visits to Cameroon, to sing and live with the Baka Pygmies. The collective spiritual singing of the Baka women has informed and inspired her musical development. Su melds African rhythms with Celtic melodies. She currently directs three UK community choirs, and The London Rainforest Choir, as well as composing for women's voices. Su Harts Rainforest Sing workshops are inspired by 25 years of visiting Baka Rainforest People in Central Africa and learning from their unbroken indigenous musical culture. The Baka are thought to be the first humans to sing. Their rainforest singing styles build community, traditionally helping to heal illness and argument, soothes babies and enchants the animals ensuring luck in the hunt. it is a beautiful interlocking of sound and is accessible, rhythmic and fun, fun for singers or fun even if you think you are not a singer, a communication across our planet! Su is initiated by the Baka women to share this singing and royalties go back to them for projects in the forest.
Website: suhart.com
Matt Knight (Canada) is a community music and singing enthusiast with more than two decades of choral experience. He has degrees in music education and ethnomusicology, and recently completed a Ph.D. at the University of Illinois. In 2015 and 2016, he lived in the Republic of Georgia (Caucasus) researching Georgian polyphonic vocal music. He is interested in all kinds of harmony singing, including folk polyphonies (Corsican, Sardinian, Bulgarian, Albanian, Ukrainian, etc.), gospel, shape note, vocal jazz, contemporary acappella, and barbershop. In this workshop, Matt will introduce you to a variety of contemporary folk songs from North America that nurture the soul, speaking to the rhythms of life, the power of community, and the joy of raising our voices together. Songs will be in three or four parts and accessible to singers with different levels of skill. You’re sure to leave this session humming a new tune and feeling buoyed up in spirit!
Sue Johnson (Australia) has been active as a choir director, composer and musician for more than 25 years, Sue Johnson has worked with more than 70 choirs in Australia and internationally. Johnson’s published scores for choirs are sung and recorded worldwide including by numerous USA all-state choruses. She has co-released 12 critically acclaimed and award-winning albums. Sue has co-founded vocal and improvisation groups Coco's Lunch and Morgana, collaborated with Australian authors as well as numerous arts organisations (Musica Viva, Sydney Opera House, Jump Leads, Theatre Arts Export, The Boite).
Website: suejohnson.com.au